Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Mohd Rustam said negotiations with Fitraco NV, the Belgian owner of the 62-m Ferris wheel, was going nowhere.
"I don't think Fitraco NV knows what's going on."
The issue was discussed at Wednesday's state executive council meeting and it was decided Fitraco NV should sell the Ferris wheel to the state at its asking price of RM7million or have it dismantled, he said.
Ali also said each day the Ferris wheel continued to occupy the site at the Sungai Melaka's river mouth, Fitraco NV would be charged RM10,000.
"We have given Fitraco NV two weeks to decide on what to do," he said after opening a seminar on world heritage sites entitled, "Sustainability of World Heritage Sites -- World Heritage Cities' Experience" here yesterday.
Ali added that in the event Fitraco NV failed to dismantle the Ferris wheel, the state would seek legal redress.
"We will get a court order to dismantle it, but it will also cost us money."
He said the Ferris wheel now cost only RM7 million and the state refused to pay a higher price as it had to take into account the depreciation of the wheel which was now seven years old. The original price was RM20 million.
Source: Malacca's ultimatum to Eye on Malaysia owner